Book in Your Consultation
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Time: 30 mins | Cost: $195
What to Expect in Your Consultation
During this session, our licensed building certifiers will provide advice on various aspects of the building certification process for residential buildings, including:
- Approval Pathways
- Building Approval Requirements & Considerations
- Queensland Development Code & NCC Compliance
- The Role of a Certifier
- Mandatory Inspections and Stages
- What You’ll Need to Obtain Final Certificates
* Disclaimer: Before proceeding with payment, please review and acknowledge that the consultation or advice provided is specifically for residential construction projects (Class 1 and Class 10) and does not replace the requirement for the formal assessment of the associated building application. Without proposal plans, only general advice can be offered. We cannot provide project management consultancy services while acting as the Building Certifier due to conflict of interest, nor do we offer design advice. The advice given is preliminary, addressing specific items identified during the consultation, and highlights potential issues relevant to a building application. This advice does not replace the formal assessment of a Building Application, and while it is provided in good faith, it does not bind any future decisions by Rapid Building Approvals. By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.